Archive 2023
Here you can find all the information on the CitSciHelvetia’23 the 2nd Swiss Citizen Science Conference.

The second Swiss Citizen Science Conference will be kicked off by Professor Heidi Kaspar, Co-Director of the Competence Center Participatory Health Care at the UASB (Bern University of Applied Sciences), with an inspiring keynote speech on the topic "Citizen Science - Impact through Participation".

The 2nd Swiss Citizen Science Conference'23 followed the motto “Citizen Science – Making impact participatory!”.

The Conference Committee of CitSciHelvetia'23 consists of twelve members who focus on Citizen Science or participatory research from different scientific perspectives. They represent the different regions of Switzerland as well as Germany and Austria.

CitSciHelvetia is organized on a biennial basis, alternating between different Citizen Science actors in Switzerland. The first Swiss Citizen Science conference in 2021 was hosted by the Citizen Science Center Zurich and the Participatory Science Academy of the University and ETH Zurich in partnership with the Secretariat for Citizen Science in Switzerland (Science et Cité) and Bioscope (University of Geneva).